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Explore the media highlights showcasing Emotional Sicily's bespoke travel experiences, as featured in top publications. Discover how our curated journeys offer deep cultural and culinary immersions in the heart of Sicily. Our acclaimed documentaries about Sicily have garnered prestigious awards, celebrating our commitment to capturing the island's rich heritage and vibrant culture.

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"We’re exploring this hallowed land as part of “Etna Wild Food”, a three-day immersion in the region’s gustatory delights put together by Palazzo Previtera, a historic bed and breakfast in the town of Linguaglossa, and the tour operator Emotional Sicily".

"Sure, the weekend was high-intensity interval training in caloric intake, but it was also a glimpse at Sicily’s future through the young people who have left and come back. Manila Di Maira, the founder of the tour operator Emotional Sicily, had done just that. “I was pessimistic about Sicily,” she says. “But when I started meeting these like-minded people around the island, it changed my perspective.”

Financial Times

Niki Blasina 

August 9, 2023

"Manila, a travel designer from a company called Emotional Sicily, vetted my endless “to eat” list. She led a friend and me through the folkloric Mercato di Ortigia, dodging fish guts as sellers traded loudly in gruff Sicilian. We stopped at the Arethusa Fountain, detailing the myth of Arethusa and Alpheus (boy meets girl, girl gets transformed into a freshwater spring). “At this southern point we have access to the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea… isn’t it amazing to see the different colors meet?”

Spectator World

Amy Everett

January 11, 2024

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"A wild food and wine workshop.
If you’re wondering why the slopes of Mount Etna have become a gastronomic hotspot, let the British restaurateur and food writer Ben Tish enlighten you. From May 23, the author of Sicilia: A Love Letter to the Food of Sicily is leading a five-day workshop that will include a guided chefs’ tour of Catania’s food markets, as well as vineyard and farm visits, olive oil tastings and foraging walks. Accommodation will be in the Palazzo Previtera in Linguaglossa, a town on the north side of Etna, inland from Taormina. Painstakingly restored, it blazes with unexpected colour and eye-catching contemporary art.
Details Four nights’ full board from £2,950pp, including workshop and tours ( Fly to Catania"

The Times
Sean Newsom

March 14, 2024

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